
Class One Notes

Github Markdown & Pages


Github makrdown is a simple way to get straight to the writing with minimal configiration, it’s good for general documentation, blog writing, or simple website creation. In the past, I have created websites using, but the free version was loaded with ads and watermarks, and my website was not rendered properly when I used a different display screen. I then moved on to WordPress, however in WordPress, I spent more than formatting blocks rather than writing, which defeated the purpose of my goal: quick notetaking. Although the learning curve increased from Wix, WordPress, to GitHub (and maybe some HTML when I want to be fancy), I had much more freedome and control over how I want my website to look and organized.


GitHub pages allowed me to organize my quick notes like webpages, which is very convinient and effective1. I can think of many other ways of updating my current notes and some python projects I have done in the past for easy access. This is very similar to Table of Contents what I used to make in word processers for organization purposes, except this is much more easier to make and much more convinient. Also another plus of GitHub pages is as long as I have internet, I have access, which requires no login like Google Docs or the access to the physical laptop itself like WordDoc.

Things I want to know more about

How far can I go with GitHub pages? While it suffice as a documentation tool, can I go as far as making it an interactive blog that allows visitors to make comments directly on my website?

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