
Class Four Notes

Intro to HTML


  1. HTML - hypertext markup language
  2. Semantic - name plainly describe its meaning/purpose
  3. tags - block name enclosed in <>
  4. elements: used to enclose different parts of the content for final product appearance
  5. Attribute - extra information of the element
  6. void elements - elements without content

Things to note (HTML basics)1

Wireframe and Design2

Wireframing is used by UX designers to plan ahead for a project with using color or text type, based on what a client desires to be presented on their site. The implementation of wireframing vary, but basically they all involve sketching first, and then turn the sketch into code. It’s worth noting that wireframing does not have to be done in code,it can be done using pen and pencils.

The process of wireframing are as follows: research –> prepare research for reference –> mapping user flow (information architecture) –> draft and sketch –> brief details+testing –> turn into prototypes. The goal of wireframing is to present a simple and clear product that shows confidence.

Semantics in HTML

Semantics in HTML gives meaning to the content it wraps, for instance: <h1>top level heading</h1> contains the semantic element <h1>. Although some elements can make the contents have the same appearance, it is not a semantic element (ex. <span style ="font-size": xx;margin: xx>Content</span>). See a list of semantic elements here.

Note that HTML should be responsible for content only, styling is covered by CSS.

Things I want to know more about

How to integrate HTML and markdown seamlessly?

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